Key to IP | Book
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Key to IP: Identifying Your Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets


In about an hour, you’ll learn the language of intellectual property and come out knowing more than 90% of the general public.

Just a little longer than The Art of War, but significantly shorter than War and Peace, this book will get you headed in the right direction to protect your great ideas. Through clear visuals and easy to follow examples, you’ll quickly understand the most important elements of intellectual property. The lessons you learn in these pages will empower you to recognize new possibilities and turn your ideas into value.


Talking to an attorney is expensive. Spending $240 to talk to an attorney about getting a copyright when what you really need is a utility patent is more expensive. Losing your rights to that utility patent because you didn’t know where to start is the most expensive. Get started with this book.

Your Intellectual Property Lists

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